Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor is using her time off between movies to take up yoga, hit the gym and lose some weight, a newspaper reported. * Kareena Kapoor is looking ravishing these days. When asked about what's the secret behind this, she smile and tells us, "I have been very serious about my workouts, my body and fitness. I doubt I have ever been so fit, and now that I've reached this stage of fitness, I don't want to let go and give up. It's a hard toil all the way. But I am generally very happy now everything seems to be working out right for me. * "This babe has lost oodles of weight, and she’s looking more stunning than ever before. We spotted her over the weekend and on complimenting her, she replied, “Don’t so say much because I want to lose at least five more kilos. I am quite a foodie, but generally I have a healthy lifestyle. I begin the day by doing yoga and that has really helped! I must credit my new found fitness levels to...
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