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10 Tips to Reduce Pimples

Pimples are the small monsters that have been creating havoc in the lives of many people since long. They are skin lesions or inflammations of the skin that are commonly caused by clogged or infected pores. The clogging is due to a type of oil called sebum that lubricates skin and hair. Pimples also develop when the blackheads or whiteheads get infected. Hormonal overdrives are also a prime cause of pimples. These monsters can’t be eradicated completely, but their breakouts can be prevented. Here are some important tips to help you avoid and clear them up as fast as possible.
1. Washing the face 2-3 times a day is beneficial. Orange peel powder, made by powdering dry orange peels can be used for washing the face in place of soap. It is refreshing and smells good too.
2. Rubbing fresh garlic on and around pimples can make them disappear without leaving marks behind. This has great effects with regular applications.
3. Oil massages increase the blood flow in veins and exhaust dirt and sweat from the body. These are found to be beneficial in the treatment of pimples.
4. Application of a paste made by mixing 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder on the pimples can be extremely beneficial. The paste should be applied before sleeping and washed with warm water the next morning. The treatment, when repeated for two weeks, will make the pimples disappear forever.
5. Applying fresh mint juice over the face every night can be very effective in the treatment of pimples.
6. Lime juice and rose water mixed in equal proportions can be applied over the infected area and washed off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water. This can have astonishing effects.
7. Although it sounds a little absurd, toothpaste is a proven method to treat pimples from appearing. You can apply it over the affected area overnight and get up with a considerably smaller and more dried up pimple.
8. Wearing oil-free makeup reduces the tendency to cause pore buildup and thereby reduces the emergence of pimples.
9. Baby powder can be used to dry out pimples and even get rid of them.
10. One of the most common advices in connection with the reduction of pimples is overcoming the tendency to touch, squeeze, pinch or prick the pimples. Keeping the hands off pimples can be useful in preventing further infection and scarring.


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