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5 Reasons For Nighttime Teeth Grinding

Most people grind their teeth from time to time, and it’s usually mild enough to be harmless. However, about 5% of the population are habitual teeth grinders which is a painful and potentially risky health problem. Teeth grinding can cause headaches, neck problems, tinnitus, anxiety, depression, insomnia, tension, loose teeth and accelerated tooth decay.

Problematic teeth grinding tends to happen during sleep, meaning that it is not something that can be prevented through sheer will power. So, if you are otherwise immobile and unconscious, why do you grind you teeth at night?

Stress Teeth Grinding

Are you a stressed out, generally tense person? Most people are, and their jaws are paying the price. When you are stressed, your body tenses up. This tension can translate into nighttime teeth grinding. Stress also disrupts your sleeping patterns which can cause teeth clenching and grinding as well. Try relaxation-oriented breathing techniques before you go to bed to help reduce stress. If your stress leaves you feeling anxious or depressed, consider seeing a mental health professional to help you find ways to cope without crushing your teeth every night.

Malocclusion, commonly known as Funky Teeth Alignment Causing Nightly Teeth Grinding

A misalignment between your top and bottom teeth, or a bad bite, can also contribute to teeth grinding. If there are problems with the way your teeth fit together, it can trigger a clenching or grinding habit. Unfortunately, no proof currently exists that correcting the misalignment will cure teeth grinding, but if you were thinking of addressing your malocclusion anyway, it could possibly help.

Consuming Alcohol, Tobacco and Caffeine

Though dentists are not quite sure why, it appears that consuming alcohol before bed exacerbates teeth grinding. You already know to avoid caffeine before bed because it is a stimulant that disrupts sleep, but consuming caffeine in the evening can also contribute to grinding. Studies have also shown a link between smoking and worsened teeth grinding. Just one more reason to stop smoking.

Teeth Grinding Caused by Complications of Other Ailments

Occasionally, teeth grinding is a symptom of a more serious disorder like Parkinson’s or Huntington’s diseases. Without other symptoms, these conditions are rare. If you can find no other causes for the grinding, consult your doctor for assistance. Your doctor may be able to help you find ways to reduce your teeth grinding habit and will rule out any medical causes for the habit.

Side Effects from Psychiatric Medications

 While some anti-anxiety medications can be quite effective in reducing teeth grinding, other psychiatric drugs can actually trigger it. Teeth grinding is a rare but documented potential side effect for certain anti-depressants including Paxil, Zoloft, and Prozac. If you have recently started taking one of these medications and have begun experiencing problematic teeth grinding, talk with your doctor about looking for alternative solutions.


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